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Avoid Osteoporosis: Ways to Improve Your Bone Health

October 18, 2018

We all need strong healthy bones. It's been drilled in to us since we've been kids, how important calcium is for our bones (that 'them bones, them bones need calcium' ad really stuck). But it's not until later in life that the food choices we made when we were younger can come in to play when it comes to bone health. 

Osteoporosis is a word most of us are familiar with but it might not be something you give a second thought to until you're at risk of developing it yourself. If you have been diagnosed with it, it's something you're worried about, or you just want to keep your bones in the best possible shape, we've outlined some ways to improve your bone health below. 

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is health condition which involves the 'thinning of the bones'. These weakened bones are more fragile and as a result, may break more easily. It is a very common condition in Ireland that manifests itself in childhood. However, it often doesn't become an issue until later in life when we become more aware of our bone density and Osteopenia is perhaps a concern.

Osteopenia is a condition that involves low bone mass - the bones aren't as strong as they should be and may be more likely to break. It's often described as the midway point between healthy bones and osteoporosis.

Childhood Bone Development

All throughout our life our bones are consistently being regenerated and replaced to maintain healthy bone density. However, your bone development and density is determined by how effective we are at building bones during our childhood development. This is why it's essential that all children reach their maximum peak bone mass. Peak bone mass is the highest amount of bone present in the human body, usually obtained by 25/30 years of age.

According to the Irish Osteoporosis Society research has shown that 37% of girls and 28% of boys between the ages of 5-12, do not get the recommended daily amounts of calcium. In addition to that, 74% of adults and 88% of primary school children, have less than half of the recommended daily amount of vitamin D3.

Because of this, children and teenagers should take a good quality multi-mineral formula. It should be rich in essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 (such as the Mag365 range) as it is so important to ensure healthy bone development during these years.

We Recommend

Ways to Improve Your Bone Health - Adults

If you're looking for ways to improve your bone health, diet is key. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 are the essential nutrients for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Studies undertaken by the Irish Osteoporosis Society in senior citizens show that adequate calcium intake alongside vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 can greatly lower the risk of fractures in adults with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis.

In Ireland it is estimated that 50% of women and 20% men over the age of 50 may suffer ‘fragility’ fractures which can be a major cause of pain and immobility, due to poor bone density. Therefore, prevention is key. It's so important to take a quality bone support supplement to avoid fractures and injuries.

We Recommend:

How to use Mag365 Bone Formula

Add 1 teaspoon of MAG365 Bone Formula powder into half a mug of hot/warm water and watch it fizz. This is when the MAG365 Bone Formula activates and predigests to become highly bioavailable to the body so that it is easily absorbed. Top up your mug with some cold water and sip.

Additional Lifestyle Recommendations

There are some other small changes you can make to keep Osteoporosis at bay or prevent it from getting worse. Here are some ways to improve your bone health from a lifestyle perspective.

Watch your caffeine intake

Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, energy drinks and colas and may cause us to excrete calcium in our urine.

Be careful about your alcohol intake

Excessive alcohol may increase your risk of Osteoporosis.

Maintain a healthy weight

Having a healthy body mass index (BMI) can protect your bones.

Keep active and exercise

Regular physical activity can improve your bone health - it make your bones stronger and can help balance and coordination. Start with walking daily, then slowly increase the distance you walk.

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day. Further useful information can be found on the Irish Osteoporosis Society website

Please note, this blog is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice.

It’s always best to consult your doctor before taking any new supplements, treatments or remedies if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication.

Checked and updated: 9 August 2021